Endless Horizons Fukasa Kai Dojo

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Friday, March 9, 2007

Tips for Refining Ki

  1. Relax completely, let your attention focus on your one point at your center, let theweightsettle naturally to the underside, develop awareness of the already extended ki or energy.

  2. Breathe in as you gather and concentrate ki in your center. Breathe out as you extend it.

  3. Breathe in as you enter and blend with the momentum, inertia, and timing of an attack. Breathe out as you execute a throw or immobilization technique.

  4. Visualize the energy extending pas the physical limitations of the body.

  5. Maintain a positive attitude.

  6. Consistently and persistently practice with honest and genuine intent and intensity.

  7. Let yourself become aware of the subtle flow of ki.

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